The Fall of Anne Boleyn

Interactive timeline of the events of Spring 1536 – click on an event to find out more. Full details in The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown
- 7th January 1536
Death of Catherine of Aragon - 8th January 1536
Henry VIII Celebrates - 24th January 1536
Henry VIII’s Jousting Accident - 29th January 1536
Catherine of Aragon’s Funeral and Anne Boleyn’s Miscarriage - 10th February 1536
Henry VIII Shows Favour to Jane Seymour - March 1536
Act for the Suppression of the Lesser Monasteries - 6th March 1536
Anne Boleyn Fears Losing Henry VIII - 18th March 1536
The Seymours Rise in Favour - 1st April 1536
Henry VIII Sends Jane Seymour a Gift - 2nd April 1536
John Skip’s Passion Sunday Sermon - 13th April 1536
Maundy Thursday - 18th April 1536
Chapuys Bows to Queen Anne Boleyn - 22nd April 1536
Archbishop Cranmer’s Strange Letter - 23rd April 1536
A Warning Sign? - 24th April 1536
The Commissions of Oyer and Terminer - 25th April 1536
Most Entirely Beloved Wife - 26th April 1536
Anne Boleyn Meets with Matthew Parker - 27th April 1536
Parliament Summoned - 28th April 1536
Meetings and Secrecy - 29th April 1536
Dead Men’s Shoes - 30th April 1536
An Argument and an Arrest - 1st May 1536
The May Day Joust - 2nd May 1536
To the Tower - 3rd May 1536
Cranmer’s Letter and Anne Boleyn Implicates Weston - 4th May 1536
Further Arrests and a Letter from Lady Rochford - 5th May 1536
The Poet, the Courtier and the Vicar of Hell - 6th May 1536
From the Lady in the Tower - 7th May 1536
The Queen’s Chaplain is Searched - 8th May 1536
The Vultures Begin to Circle - 9th May 1536
Meetings - 10th May 1536
The Middlesex Indictment - 11th May 1536
The Kent Indictment and Interrogations - 12th May 1536
The Trial of Norris, Weston, Brereton and Smeaton - 13th May 1536
Henry Percy and the Pre-contract - 14th May 1536
Jane Seymour Moves to Chelsea - 15th May 1536
The Trials of Anne Boleyn and George Boleyn - 16th May 1536
Archbishop Cranmer Visits Anne Boleyn - 17th May 1536
The Executions of Five Men - 18th May 1536
Postponement and Preparation - 19th May 1536
Queen Anne Boleyn’s Execution - 20th May 1536
A Royal Betrothal - 30th May 1536
Henry VIII Marries Jane Seymour